Health and Safety Help?

If You Need Help With

Health & Safety Advice ...

Get The Support Our Clients Love! 

What SVC Safety Solutions does including Health and Safety information, Health and Safety Services, Health and Safety eLearning, ISO Certification, Quality Health Safety and Environment - QHSE

Health and Safety eLearning Courses Quality, Health, Safety and Environment (QHSE) ISO Certification Services

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SVC Safety is your Go-To Provider for
Quality, Health, Safety, and Environment (QHSE) Help.

Welcome to the Sensible, Personal, and Organised way to obtain Health and Safety Help for You and Your Company.

You probably know that Health and Safety is a complex area, and that compliance with health and safety law is essential. So, it's not surprising that many business leaders and managers tell us that they find the subject confusing, and that they worry about health and safety.

For example:

Health and Safety regulations require that you must get help from a qualified expert to comply with health and safety laws. A skilled expert has adequate training, experience, knowledge, and other relevant qualities to support you effectively. The expertise needed depends on the complexity and specific assistance required.

The above is a simplified extract from mind-boggling legal jargon of The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999

In general, if you do not have an in-house competent person, you must have the support of a competent health and safety expert.

Certainly, as a client of SVC Safety, you will have the support from a competent person, possibly the most essential Health and Safety Help you need. 

Unlike many service providers, we do this on a personal and practical basis. Indeed, we believe clients deserve much more than frustrating, remote and impersonal call centre support.

SVC Safety's Health and Safety Help solves the critical problems that impact your business.

quote mark

Mansol (Preforms) Ltd

SVC Safety is a valued and trustworthy team

We have always been very impressed with SVC Safety, Paul & his team, in terms of the Health & Safety services provided. I consider SVC Safety as a valued and trustworthy team who help protect both the business and staff alike.

At a Glance Overview


  • Health & Safety Audits
  • Health & Safety Inspection
  • Health & Safety Policy
  • Risk Assessments
  • Fire Risk Assessments
  • COSHH Assessments
  • Systems of Work
  • Method Statements

Areas of Expertise

  • Offices & Administration
  • Warehouses
  • Farming & Agriculture
  • Leisure Facilities
  • Swimming Pools
  • Retail facilities
  • Manufacturing
  • Schools & Education
  • Care Homes
  • Nurseries


  • IOSH Managing Safely
  • ILM Level 3 Qualification Construction & Built Environment
  • Health and Safety Essentials
  • Health and Safety for Homeworkers
  • Manual Handling Awareness
  • Fire Safety Awareness
  • Fire Warden & Fire Marshal training
  • Display Screen Equipment
  • and many more...

Put Your Company in the Safe Hands of SVC Safety Solutions

  • With our health and safety services, you will get professional support to suit your company, not a regimented clipboard one-size fits all system.
  • You can have as much or as little support that you need, when you need it.
  • We will not lock you into a long-term penalty contract.
  • We build long-term relationships based on our quality of service and trust.

Get the Health and Safety Help you need for You and Your Company

Expert Advice and Support

In order to protect your business and your people, the reality is the implications can often lead to confusion. Also, for most clients this is very time consuming. 

With our personal service you can rest assured that we have your best interests first. You can have face-to-face access to our qualified health and safety consultants.

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We keep up to date on the changes that are happening today and keep you informed because:

  • Regulation changes will always happen.
  • The many regulations are not always easy to understand. 

SVC Safety is active in providing Health and Safety help in many industries.

We don't stop at delivering templates for construction or specific industries. If you need health and safety help for challenging and complex areas, we will:

  • Meet you and take the time to understand your business.
  • Provide a complete health and safety audit for you. 
  • Carry out risk assessments at your site(s).
Health and Safety Help from SVC Safety Solutions means expert advice and support support.
Practical Health and Safety Help from SVC Safety  Solutions

Practical Health and Safety Help

You will get delivery with clear and straightforward advice. You can work through the process with one of our professionals. We will sit with you and guide you, showing you the best way forward.

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Protecting your business and your people is critical. To keep you and your business safe, we will help you to follow legislation changes.

By this, we mean that we will help you to understand the implications and what you need to do about them. 

We will visit you and talk to you. To help you understand, we won't use scary jargon.

Our consultants are practitioners working within the health and safety arena. These are not trainers or salespeople – we live and breathe health and safety daily.

Health & Safety may not be your passion, but Health and Safety Help is ours. You will see this in our consultants when you meet them.

The Health and Safety Help You Need

Navigating the complex maze of health and safety, you can decide just how much support your want for your specific requirements. For example:

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  • Documentation.
  • Risk assessments.
  • Ad-hoc, short-term advice.
  • Complete health and safety audit.
  • Outsource all of your health and safety needs.

For SVC Safety, it's the relationship that matters. Also, our clients tell us the same thing. For example, to have a health and safety expert who will listen and give you the right advice for your business.

So, our experts will not tell you what you want to hear. Instead, to help you comply with health and safety laws, we will guide you with what you need to hear. significantly, it is in your best interests if SVC Safety has your back and supports you.

Get the health and safety help and support you need
The true cost of Health and Safety Help - don't get locked into a contract.

You Are Not Locked-in

Have you considered the actual cost if your current health and safety contract locks you in for a long time? Evidently, it could be a lot more than you think.

With SVC Safety, there is no long-term contract period. We won't tie you in with draconian contract terms.

Clients tell us that they dislike:

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  • One-size-fits-all and "do as we tell you" service providers. 
  • Contracts that lock them in for years.
  • Financial penalties for early termination. 
  • Service providers that remove health & safety documentation if clients terminate their contract.

We believe this is terrible business practice and is not how SVC Safety operates.

Unlike our competitors, SVC Safety won't lock you in for years. If at any stage you're not happy with our Health and Safety Help, you can cancel. We remove the burden and financial risk for you.

Our philosophy is simple - if you like us, you will stay with us.

Get the Right Health and Safety Help for You and Your Company

Whether you need help with health & safety documents, consultancy, outsourced service or training, SVC Safety Solutions can help. 

For a no-obligation confidential chat about how can help you and your company:

  • Message us privately by using the button below, or
  • Call us on 01206 262117.